PREVIEW: How To Get A Headshot That Lands You Auditions - With TOP Headshot Photographer Tony Blake!

other industry pros Sep 29, 2023

*Act On This members get access to the FULL 2 HOUR recording of this feature, in BOTH video and audio-only formats. CLICK HERE to grab your PREMIUM membership NOW!

Your acting headshot is probably the most IMPORTANT marketing tool you have to pique a casting director's or agent's interest in you.

So why do 90% of actors settle for shots they don't like, that don't capture their true casting type?

Tony Blake is one of the BEST headshot photographers in TV, helping TOP actors avoid these traps on a daily basis.

In this 2 HOUR member-only mastermind, we walk you through a step by step blueprint to ensure your best headshot shoot EVER.

Tony explains the biggest mistakes actors make when it comes to headshots and we dive DEEP into shoot preparation and casting type - to GUARANTEE you get a headshot that actually lands you auditions!

During the broadcast, we discuss:

  • Where Tony's two decade career in photography began.
  • His work outside of headshots, in other sectors of the acting industry.
  • The NUMBER ONE problem actors face with headshots.
  • Why self-awareness is absolutely critical here.
  • Looking at your acting career as a business - and your headshot as an advert.
  • Why YOU and only you should be choosing your headshots.
  • 6 mistakes Tony sees actors make before, during and after a headshot shoot.
  • The 3-step 'NOW' framework - and how it GUARANTEES the best headshot you've ever had.
  • Reverse-engineering your headshot shoot, to ensure your results are congruent with your 6 month career goals.
  • Examples of actors who have implemented the 'NOW' framework perfectly.
  • Specific headshots and how they have lead to TOP TV acting work.
  • Organising your headshot shoot for maximum efficiency.
  • Hair, makeup and costume.
  • Using the time immediately after your shoot to line up casting director correspondence.
  • The ONE thing Tony wants EVERY actor to know.
  • And MUCH MUCH more!

If you're current shots aren't getting you in the room.

Hit 'play' NOW!


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